Before applying to take a term time absence please consider the following: Ongoing low attendance is a factor often linked to low levels of academic success and can have a serious impact on opportunities later in life. Children who are absent from school in term time will miss out on important learning opportunities - educational experiences missed cannot be re-captured later.
Your child’s teacher will not be able to go back over everything your child has missed. Due to the need for teacher/pupil input into many of our learning experiences, it is not always feasible to provide you with work to complete during the absence. As a parent/carer you can demonstrate your commitment to
your child's education by, whenever possible, avoiding term time absences. It is important that term time absences do not contribute to developing poor habits of attendance which are hard to undo later on.
For holidays: Please note that there is not an automatic right to withdraw pupils from school for a holiday and this form, if it is a request for that purpose, is merely a request for permission. There is a margin of discretion for head teachers to agree to your request and in line with national guidance, your Child(ren)’s absence will be judged on merit and may not be authorised. Please see our school policy on attendance (on our school website). You will be notified of the decision shortly.
Please note: WG guidance states that schools cannot authorise holidays retrospectively.
Should your child accumulate a level of unauthorised absence which brings their attendance below 90% during the year, the Local Authority may (depending on the circumstances) issue a fixed penalty notice or commence formal prosecution for failing to secure regular attendance at school. The full details of
the fixed penalty scheme can be found on the City and County of Swansea website.
Step 1 - Download and complete the term time absence form here:
Step 2 - Submit the absence request via your ClassCharts parent app using the instructions below:
To report your child(ren) absent using ClassCharts:
· Click on attendance
· Report Absence
· Report new absence
· Add date and reason
You must attach the completed request form via the app.
Option 1 - Use your ClassCharts app to submit reasons for absence
Option 2 - Telephone 01792 234121 and press option 1 to leave a voicemail